
Get a Virtual Producer for Your Online Training

Everything takes longer being done virtually: get yourself a virtual producer

Many companies are moving their training into the virtual space. In so doing, they have probably realized that everything seems to take considerably longer. The technology can act as a bit of a buffer that slows down communication between instructors and facilitators.  When refactoring learning to be delivered virtually, care must be taken to consider the differences between delivering in-person and delivering via an online platform. A virtual producer is the ideal way to overcome these lags.  

Why does virtual learning take longer?

Some of the areas that slow down the learning could be: 

  • Getting the class started — just dealing with tech and making sure everyone can hear and see the instructor is something that never plays a factor in live, in-person delivery. 
  • Supporting Tech issues — often remote learners will need support figuring out how to turn on their cameras or microphones.
  • Introductions — even something as simple as participant introductions and gathering learning expectations would take a lot longer online. 
  • Breakout groups — moving learners into groups online can take more time, and it takes longer to visit each one.  Instructors need to spend more time upfront explaining the exercise clearly before moving into breakout rooms.

Essentially, the use of virtual classrooms for training requires subtle changes in the way that instructors and learners communicate and present to one another. You need to shift the way you approach your training objectives as well as the material and exercises.

How can a virtual producer help?

These delays are largely a result of trainers having to manage technical and administrative functions while also delivering the learning material. If the technical functions are handed over to a virtual producer, the trainer can focus on teaching and interacting with the learners. The producer has the technical expertise to make sure that everything runs smoothly. The virtual producer gets everyone connected, troubleshoots any issues that arise during the sessions, and manages transitions into breakout groups, etc. Virtual producers are essential to virtual training. If you conduct your corporate training remotely, you should definitely consider recruiting a producer to manage your sessions for you. 

Learngistics specializes in facilitating and supporting both virtual and live training events and learning programs for corporations. Contact us for more information and to see how our virtual producers can help you access and optimize your remote training.