
The Two Types of Virtual Producers

So, you’ve realized that a Virtual Producer would be beneficial for you online facilitators, but where do you start? Where are all of these Virtual Producers hiding and, most importantly, what kind of producer would help your team best? Ponder no further- this is your quick guide to Virtual Producers and where to find them. 

There are two types of Virtual producers for you to look out for, those being a Technical Producer or a Facilitating Producer. 

A Technical Producer tends to be helpful in running more webinar type sessions. They do not turn on their cameras or interact with learners or your audience- they are there primarily to make sure your session runs smoothly from the technological side of things. They are there to fix camera issues, make sure apps run smoothly, or fix audio and other similar issues. These types of producers usually came from a help-desk role before converting to virtual production. 

The second type of Virtual producers is the facilitating producer. Facilitating producers do everything that a virtual producer does, with the added benefit of helping run the virtual session as well. Their cameras are turned on and they can help facilitate certain parts of your training sessions, which is why they are so beneficial for online learning programs. They can help monitor breakout rooms, respond for you in chat, or run games while your facilitator focuses on the learners. They work side by side with the facilitator instead of in the background like a technical producer. 

Once you have an idea of what kind of virtual producer you need, how do you find them? You have a few options, each with pros and cons of their own. These options range from assigning this role to a current employee all the way to outsourcing a whole team of virtual producing experts from a company, like Learngistics. Which one you decide to go with really depends on the size of your business, your budget, and the time you have available- either for training or for working around someone elses schedule. 

In our e-book,, “A Guide to using Virtual Producer with Online Learning” we go into great detail on pages 18 through 25 about the pros and cons of each of these.  If you are interested in learning more we recommend you download the e-book.  There is a ton of valuable information there and best of all, a  gift at the end just for reading.

Download it here.