

laptop covered in post-it notes

Engagement Techniques: Break Through Distractions

Facilitating virtually has the potential to make learning more accessible to more people.  And that’s a good thing. At the same time, if it’s done incorrectly it can just as easily have a negative impact on the level of engagement by learners. And that’s a bad thing. It is far too easy to tune out … Continued

Delighting Clients is part of our DNA

At Learngistics, we help businesses streamline the learning process through various verticals. We support small, medium, and large businesses in building unique and effective training and development programs and events for their teams. Founded in 2005, we’ve been at the forefront of implementing technology solutions to improve learning management for our partners. When it comes … Continued

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    20+ Ways Virtual Producers Support Online Learning Sessions.

    If you are a facilitator delivering corporate learning you’ll know how challenging it can be to switch from a live to a virtual format. You likely refactored your curriculum to ensure effectiveness when delivering online. Changing activities, building in more engagement, cleaning up slides and maybe even incorporating new digital tools that were not available … Continued

    Technical considerations for virtual training

    Physical classrooms certainly have their fair share of technical requirements, but virtual classrooms are entirely dependent on technology. As a trainer preparing for online training sessions, you need to be aware of your technological needs and constraints. Obviously, a quality camera and audio equipment are essential, but there are other factors to consider too. Trainers … Continued